Gas Management System

Statistical body upon SCADA system. It offers connection to other systems.

Gas Management System GMS/OZ was created as statistical subsystem to system SCADA. It was gradually enhanced according individual customer workplaces requests, connected with other systems and besides various forms data presentation from technology also integrated support of other activities.

Main description of GMS system


  • System uses MS SQL server database
  • Database access is possible for many users from many places in the same time
  • Data capturing itself and their transfer to other systems is insured by processes with automatic or manual start

Client software

  • Client software allows configuration of individual system objects and processes, data presentation and processing
  • Object sorting and searching is possible according arbitrary information parameters, part of software is also export and print functions
  • System contains also web interface with selected functionality

Technological objects

  • Technological objects create basic unit for data collecting, presentation and processing
  • Object is defined by its type, name, identification and description, in case of need is possible to extend object with other information data
  • Technological data at individual objects are classified according free definable parameters
  • Besides technological data is possible to register also additional parameters definable by user for individual objects and documents
  • Object groups allows creating of object structure and its consecutive using for data searching, summing and presentation
  • Number of objects and groups is not limited in system, one object can be part of many groups

Parameters and values

  • Parameter defines value measured at particular object
  • System allows registering of number and text values for individual objects and parameters, each value is signed with time stamp which is related to and time stamp of record
  • Number of monitored parameters is not limited in the system


  • Reports create quick and flexible interface for data access for selected objects and parameters
  • Reports are defined by list of objects and parameters and other specific settings of presentation such as data type, monitored period, summing, and way of presentation…
  • Report allows data presentation in table as well as graphics form
  • Reports allow searching of objects with missing or incorrect data and also defined limits overrun
  • It is possible to define list of users and groups, which will have to work with particular report
  • Number of reports is not limited in system

Users and access rights

  • Users allow right definition of particular workman within system, log of his activities and storing of settings specific for particular workman
  • User groups allow creating of user structure and access definition to data for whole group users in the same time
  • Number of users and their groups is not limited in the system, one user can be can be part of many groups

System utilization

System is used in SPP-Distribúcia a.s. as basic tool for data collecting and statistical processing of technological and commercial data. System is also connected to other information and commercial systems – SCADA system, SAP and others. System is used in total by hundreds of clients within all SPP company.




Soft & Control Technology s.r.o. (SCT s.r.o.) Rastislavova 46, 040 01 KOŠICE



BaWiT modules

Extended modules of BaWiT. Modules GSM, ETH, CDMA, RF, OLED, USB-TTL232. More details on web pages for BaWiT modules.


BaWiT-A/B Series

Mechanically and chemically durable BaWiTs.

  • BaWiT A/B with battery power (up to 10 years battery lifetime)
  • operational temperature range
    -40°C to +75°C
  • resistance agains vibrations
  • usable in hard environment
  • SPL programming language
  • (Zóne 1)

More details on web pages for BaWiT-A/B.

Sensors for battery systems

Sensors with low voltage consumption. 

  • Temperature sensor
  • Humidity and temperature sensor
  • Magnetic field sensor
  • Sensors on long cable
  • Sensors in-build in BaWiTs
  • Converter USB-RS485.

More details for series BaWiT-S.

PCT PLC Modules

New PLC modules was released. 

BaWiT-C/M/F Series

BaWiT family devices was extended with modular option BaWiT-C/M/F devices.

Soft & Control Technology s.r.o
Rastislavova 46
040 01 Košice - mestská časť Juh

IČO: 31 689 973
DIČ: 2020491968
IČ DPH: SK2020491968

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