
Cloud system for data storage from devices, device control and remote service operations of PLC and BaWiT series devices.



Gas Management System

Statistical body upon SCADA system. It offers connection to other systems.

Gas Management System GMS/OZ was created as statistical subsystem to system SCADA. It was gradually enhanced according individual customer workplaces requests, connected with other systems and besides various forms data presentation from technology also integrated support of other activities.

System DMX - SCT 7800

SCADA for monitoring and controling of battery telemetric systems.

Service and maintenance

Registration and planning of servicing and maintenance. It displays data from technological objects in various outputs.

Manager system ESPRO

Software serves for tasks registration, to store documentations and projects and many others.

Data transfer in technology

Company Soft & Control Technology s.r.o., Košice is concerning with data transfer in technology with own solutions at all levels of transfer. Data transfer works by various network types such as standard WAN networks, GSM data transfer, transfer by SMS messages, radio networks etc. Transfer data

 Company also deals with transfers from/to technology. Communication is realized in GSM, RF and other bandwiths.

Transfer data

Software provides archival data presentation from SCADA system. It supports multimedia content and displays data in various formats.

Server gathers data from technological objects. Realtime operation provides quick data availability. It uses SQL database.

SMS Server

Servise offers sending of notification SMS's with required data from technological objects.



BaWiT modules

Extended modules of BaWiT. Modules GSM, ETH, CDMA, RF, OLED, USB-TTL232. More details on web pages for BaWiT modules.


BaWiT-A/B Series

Mechanically and chemically durable BaWiTs.

  • BaWiT A/B with battery power (up to 10 years battery lifetime)
  • operational temperature range
    -40°C to +75°C
  • resistance agains vibrations
  • usable in hard environment
  • SPL programming language
  • (Zóne 1)

More details on web pages for BaWiT-A/B.

Sensors for battery systems

Sensors with low voltage consumption. 

  • Temperature sensor
  • Humidity and temperature sensor
  • Magnetic field sensor
  • Sensors on long cable
  • Sensors in-build in BaWiTs
  • Converter USB-RS485.

More details for series BaWiT-S.

PCT PLC Modules

New PLC modules was released. 

BaWiT-C/M/F Series

BaWiT family devices was extended with modular option BaWiT-C/M/F devices.

Soft & Control Technology s.r.o
Rastislavova 46
040 01 Košice - mestská časť Juh

IČO: 31 689 973
DIČ: 2020491968
IČ DPH: SK2020491968

Director's Secretary e-mail  +421 55 7961 411
Sales e-mail  +421 55 7961 401
Dispatch e-mail  +421 55 7961 433 
 +421 55 7961 444
 +421 905 901 225
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