Monitoring of Small Water Power Plant

Monitoring and partly even controlling the Small Water Power Plant. Telemetric device periodically sends SMS status about produced power and water level. BaWit also guards the premises using external sensors. Remote control via SMS enables to deactivate the whole power plant.

Application focuses to monitor the power plant and swith it off via SMS in a case of failure. Monitoring is realized due to various external sensors. BaWiT periodically sends SMS status with recently measured data. In a case of need, SMS status can be sent upon SMS request. SMS message sent from authorized phone number can switch off or on the entire power plant.

BaWiT measures instantaneous produced power, which is calculated to daily and monthly values. BaWiT sends SMS message with produced energy from previous month in the beginning of next month. Second analog input is used for water level monitoring. Two binary inputs are used for sensing failures from control unit and hydraulics of the power plant. Other binary inputs are left for authorization purposes - entering the building.  In a case of failure, scanned by one of those binary inputs, SMS alarm is sent with marking the corresponding error cause.

Telemetric unit is externally powered with internal battery backup. In a case of external power outage, BaWiT sends SMS about BaWiT going into the sleep mode because of power outage. All measured values are archived (only in normal operation mode).


BaWiT modules

Extended modules of BaWiT. Modules GSM, ETH, CDMA, RF, OLED, USB-TTL232. More details on web pages for BaWiT modules.


BaWiT-A/B Series

Mechanically and chemically durable BaWiTs.

  • BaWiT A/B with battery power (up to 10 years battery lifetime)
  • operational temperature range
    -40°C to +75°C
  • resistance agains vibrations
  • usable in hard environment
  • SPL programming language
  • (Zóne 1)

More details on web pages for BaWiT-A/B.

Sensors for battery systems

Sensors with low voltage consumption. 

  • Temperature sensor
  • Humidity and temperature sensor
  • Magnetic field sensor
  • Sensors on long cable
  • Sensors in-build in BaWiTs
  • Converter USB-RS485.

More details for series BaWiT-S.

PCT PLC Modules

New PLC modules was released. 

BaWiT-C/M/F Series

BaWiT family devices was extended with modular option BaWiT-C/M/F devices.

Soft & Control Technology s.r.o
Rastislavova 46
040 01 Košice - mestská časť Juh

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DIČ: 2020491968
IČ DPH: SK2020491968

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